Disruptive Usability for Enjoyable Digital Experiences

Italians love smartphones and use them more than the other European citizens: 60% of Italians have a smartphone for messaging and for social networking. WhatsApp and Facebook are the most commonly used apps in Italy. (comScore) And worldwide more than 1.5 billion people use smartphone and 1.7 billion people use social media. (Wired)

Mobiles are always on, available at anytime and anywhere, and they provide information of the user’s status and surrounding environment: [pullquote position=”right”]they can be considered the eyes and ears of a new generation of predictive analytic models.[/pullquote]

Social media is the digital megaphone and high-powered antenna in the user’s hand so that he can share every like and dislike, this kind of interaction is called micro-interaction, and it is now common practice. This input can consequently determine the innovative creation of specifically tailored products and services.

Thus, mobiles and socials have the power to provide new products and services for a superior omnichannel user experience through all the available devices changing the rules of how companies do business and engage their customers.

And what are the implications of this never-before-seen shift in the connectedness of individuals for the companies that want to be at the technology forefront? What strategies and new capabilities need to be rethought?

[pullquote position=”right”]It is necessary to analyze how users interact with these emerging technologies in order to guarantee a new era of customer experience.[/pullquote] Thanks to ubiquitous connectivity and information access anytime, the globalization overcomes distances, and customers are more empowered than ever using technology.

In fact, this new digital world requires a fundamentally different way of thinking about users. [pullquote position=”right”]What really distinguishes digital users from the more traditional ones is how savvy they are in the use of these tools and their comfort levels with data disclosure in various scenarios.[/pullquote]

This means that a digital customer experience must be thought through the usability of mobile devices. It must consider mobile interactions and social networking, in order to meet or exceed customer expectations and increase his satisfaction and loyalty. Although they are constantly growing, not all users are digital. Traditional ones must not be forgotten. In fact, the customer experience must be enjoyable fulfilling both the different needs.

If we analyze the phenomenon from a B2B perspective, delivering a smooth and seamless customer experience for both types of customers, and going beyond the basic usability will bring magic through digital disruptive design usability thanks to simple and friendly frontends and workflows.

Just think of the social networking system: web users are always more familiar with intuitive social networks frontends, such us Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, available through tablets, smartphones and computers. These web pages are featured by specific simplified functionalities and flexible and responsive contents adapted to any device.

Or think of the material design of Google that “synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science”, providing a unified experience through different devices. This visual language has already been adopted by all the main market players such as Apple, Microsoft and Facebook and companies which can no longer ignore what the client expects when surfing on their websites.

Innovative frontends can open interesting opportunities in B2B markets like the Insurance one because they can offer simplified and disruptive usability taken from the B2C market: bright colors, minimal and modern icons, original images and simple fonts starting from a more efficient and effective usability to end with an engaging and interactive user experience.

Innovative frontends allow Insurers to reach:

  • An easy and ready-to-use frontend
  • Responsive layout for a multi-device management
  • High flexibility
  • A personalized customer experience tailored on the customer’s behavior
  • Simplified processes
  • An innovative digital customer experience

The Insurance market must keep up with the times, or better anticipate them, adopting cutting edge frontends that will allow them to exploit the advantages of an omnichannel frontend.

The innovative digital user experiences are bound to change again over the years respecting the market evolutions, but what should be kept in mind is that the most enjoyable and disruptive customer experiences will remain a milestone also in the next years.

Digital giants such as Google and Amazon continuously innovate, reinventing their value proposition to offer a unique digital experience to their customers and making their industries simple, fluid and dynamic. Google, the first pioneer of the “quick search”, will still be at the forefront in the “intuitive and simple searches” field thanks to the use of semantics and sintax (virtual assistants like “siri” that still simplify the research processes). Amazon, in the same way, was the first pioneer of a quick and easy process of online purchasing which has revolutionized website trends and workflows. In 1999 Amazon created a smart flow that allowed customers to make online purchases with a single click (“1-Click”). Amazon inspired all the biggest flight and hotel booking websites that are still using this disruptive process today.


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