RGI Group at the Italy Insurance Forum

  • 09/05/2022  |
RGI Group at the Italy Insurance Forum

Innovation, customer satisfaction and efficiency are central to the success of insurers. Adopting the best innovative strategies has increasingly become a key factor for all insurance companies to ensure the best customer journey and achieve the best results.

These were some of the main messages of the latest edition of the Italy Insurance Forum, one of the main industry events for the Italian insurance market, in which RGI Group participated as Partner, presenting Flexperto’s and RGI’s solutions.

During the event, which was organised by IKN Italy (Institute of Knowledge & Networking), RGI Group took part in two different panels dedicated to customer experience and claims management. We shared our perspective on customer centricity within the insurance industry and illustrated how our innovative solutions can support insurers on their journey towards a more efficient business and an enhanced customer experience.

In the session “Customer: From Human Touch to the Efficiency Improvement of Processes between Digital and Physical Network”, Cecilia Valentini, Flexperto’s Italy & France Country Manager, presented Flexperto’s Communication Cloud in the panel discussion, introducing the new digital customer experience offered by Flexperto. Cecilia explained how our solution can help banking and insurance companies meet their customers’ growing demand for phygital relations, while also ensuring customer centricity, direct and effective digital communication, and increased sales efficiency.

During the session “Claims Management: the Challenge of Service Quality between Digital, Hyper Efficiency and Proximity to the Customer”, Emanuele Macello, RGI’s Claims Director & Large Account Manager, and Daniela Ciccarelli, RGI’s Claims Product Owner Leader, showcased RGI’s claims management system. During their panel discussion, they presented the PASS_Claims solution, RGI’s new system for claims management, and our Customer Corner module, highlighting how making a claim quickly and easily and offering automatic settlement are essential elements to ensure customer satisfaction through integration and an advanced user experience.

Customer centricity is at the heart of any successful customer relationship and in the context in which we are living – as both consumers and businesses – the digital experience has become a must. As the European leader in the digital transformation of Insurers, RGI Group offers the most innovative strategies and it was an honour and a pleasure to tell our story and explain our leading services at one of the most important fairs in the Italian insurance market. This year’s Italy Insurance Forum was also a great opportunity to finally attend a big event in person after a long time – an excellent occasion to meet our partners face to face, share our vision and discuss the latest trends of the insurance sector with the rest of the industry.

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