Discovering the Spazio Indifesa project and its Milan hub

  • 13/05/2022  |
Discovering the Spazio Indifesa project and its Milan hub

Last week we visited the Terre des Hommes’ Spazio Indifesa hub in Milan to attend an event organised by the association and learn more about the centre’s services. During this event, Terre des Hommes presented the many projects and activities that, together with other associations, they offer to minors, women and families in general at their hub in the neighbourhood of Gallaratese.

The Spazio Indifesa centre in Gallaratese is located in a rough area on the outskirts of Milan and provides people in need with food support and social services. Its building is home to a hub against food waste, a food bank organised as a solidarity market, and a multi-purpose centre aimed at empowering vulnerable people and helping them with their independency as well as their integration.

The event was presented by the General Manager of Terre des Hommes Paolo Ferrara and featured local authorities and representatives from the associations that collaborate with Terre des Hommes at the Milan hub. The Spazio Indifesa centre was described as a good example of collaboration between the public and private sectors where people-focused initiatives can help rebuild the social fabric of both the area and the city.

In addition to food support, among the social services offered by the Spazio Indifesa hub are language classes for migrant people; support activities for young mothers and children with special educational needs; work inclusion projects; financial education for women; free legal assistance through a dedicated help desk; and free visits on an income basis at the centre’s new social outpatient clinic.

The Milan hub and Terre des Hommes in general have also been actively responding to the ongoing Ukrainian emergency by providing assistance, psychological support and cultural mediation to families arriving in Italy, especially children and mothers.

Believing in the power of solidarity to foster growth and inclusion, RGI Group contributed with a donation to Terre des Hommes’ Spazio Indifesa project and its effort to help people in need back at the end of 2021.

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