The key role of standards

  • 07/12/2022  |
The key role of standards

In recent years, markets have become increasingly more challenging: the demands related to quality, health and safety, legality and the environment are growing more numerous and urgent every year.

In a world in constant evolution where progress must factor in these demands, the adoption of widely recognised standards and specifications ensures that national and international regulations are followed and that requests for safety and quality at all levels are met. Thanks to standardisation, industries and organisations can build trust, promote best practices, and further drive innovation.

Standards certify the performance of products and prove that the processes of an organisation guarantee a constant level of quality and safety. They offer frameworks and requirements for the establishment, application, and continual improvement of various management system, while also giving guidance on the actions and approaches for complying with these requirements.

In order to earn a certification, companies have to undergo audits performed by an external certification body to assess whether the product or the company processes comply with certain standards and regulations. As certifications represent an ongoing process which encourages continuous improvement, they require periodic renewal assessments which also include the review of past performance.

Certifications are very important for companies and offer them many benefits. Through standards, companies can be certified as transparent and demonstrate their commitment to those issues that are becoming increasingly important to modern society. At the same time, standards can also help them differentiate themselves from their competitors and stand out on the market. They also provide companies with recommendations and guidelines for improved organisational processes to rationalise their activities and optimise time and resources: this is crucial right now as speed and sustainability are at the top of the list for businesses.

For us at RGI Group, standards and what they certify have always been important. High quality standards and integrity are among the Group’s founding values, as we strive to guarantee both nationally and internationally more efficient production processes, leading the way as one of the main Groups in the European market.

Unimatica-RGI, an RGI Group company, obtained its first ISO certification in 2006 with the ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems standard. It was followed by the ISO 27001 – Integrated Management Systems certification in 2014, initiating an accreditation path that is still evolving and has allowed Unimatica-RGI to remain aligned with the norms and standards of the industry it operates in.

In 2021, Unimatica-RGI also achieved the ISO 14001:2015 certification after having introduced an environmental management system. This is a very important standard for us at Unimatica-RGI as it underlines our attention towards the environment. Unimatica-RGI has always been committed to sustainability as our core business focuses on paperless activities and fully automated services to advance the digital transition of companies and help them reduce their environmental impact.

The ISO:37001 is the latest certification we obtained just last month and makes us very proud. Through its requirements and guidance, this standard ensure that companies can prevent, detect, and respond to bribery and comply with anti-bribery laws and voluntary commitments applicable to their business activities.

Certifications are a guarantee of excellence and can be a great tool to add credibility by demonstrating that products or processes meet the clients’ expectations and comply with the relevant regulation. They are often required by our clients during their service selection processes and also represent a legal requirement for what Unimatica-RGI offers and how it is offered, as well as its main market – Public Administration.

Standards are not only legal requirements for us but help us demonstrate that we manage our business activities in a responsible way that is attentive to our customers and the environment around us. We will certainly not stop here, but we will continue growing and improving the company’s business and the services it provides.

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