RGI Group’s culture of compliance

  • 21/04/2022  |
RGI Group’s culture of compliance

Corporate sustainability and ESG principles have become more and more important in the culture and structure of any company. Even if they are generally linked to the way of managing risks related to environmental issues, they have also very much to do with a company’s strategic perspectives and capability to create long term value.

Within the ESG approach – and especially as part of the third pillar, Governance – we also find compliance, which plays an increasingly fundamental role in preventing risks and ensuring good corporate governance based on principles of legality, transparency, traceability and prevention of corruption.

For instance, compliance supports transparent, traceable and responsible decision making – all points that are consequently relevant for the purposes of attracting investment, credit, talent and clients. Alongside ESG issues, compliance has become a topic of extraordinary economic importance and of primary attention for the top management of any company, also in terms of remuneration plans and performance evaluation.

A couple of years ago RGI started a new project focused on the integration of compliance risk in its business processes and on the creation and dissemination of the so-called “culture of compliance”. This new project had the objective of both promoting a brand-new practice within the Group and developing new policies, always keeping in mind RGI Group’s vision and mission and its shared values.

From working on the revision of the Organisation, Management and Control Model (MOG) to mapping risks and control measures, our Group Compliance Programme began to take shape, starting with the development of the Group Code of Conduct in 2020.  

We also launched the project “Speak Up!”, which includes both a whistleblowing procedure and a channel where all employees and third parties can report any violations or breaches.

Thanks to an internal communication plan we created in collaboration with the Marketing department, we raised awareness among all employees of our Compliance Programme to make it an integral part of our way of working.

Together with our corporate academy we also developed a training programme consisting of an interactive course and some video pills. Training activities were then followed by an interactive test phase. This phase included a “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”-inspired game – complete with hints (e.g. 50/50), countdowns for the answers and competition rounds – which engaged in just over two months as much as 75% of the Group’s corporate population.

In this gaming activity, employees were randomly paired in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams across different countries and areas of our Group. All these teams challenged each other in the weeks that followed the game’s launch, until the winning team was announced and awarded a special prize: a day off, as per RGI’s commitment to work-life balance.

The path towards the implementation of compliance within the Group has been very rewarding for us at RGI, so much so that it has become a methodology for the definition of rules of conduct and business processes. In this sense, our ‘zero policy’ has defined the rules of how a Group policy is created, shared and integrated into the business, also above all in its information and training phase. Therefore, the experience will be resumed both with the new wave of policies which have already issued (namely our Gift and hospitality and Speak Up policies), and for the data protection stream that we are currently strengthening at Group level.

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