Measuring diversity in the workplace: RGI Inclusion Impact Index 2020

  • 02/09/2021  |
Measuring diversity in the workplace: RGI Inclusion Impact Index 2020

RGI is an inclusive reality, where diversity – with special attention to gender diversity – is valued and respected. In the last years, we launched different strategic projects focusing on People, ESG and Communication, and put in place many different actions spacing from employer branding to our external communication on social media. This is because we believe that now more than ever it is essential to “walk the talk” and prove our commitment in concrete terms.  

Therefore, we decided to measure RGI’ path towards a more diverse representation in the company – and we have been able to do so thanks to the long-lasting partnership with Valore D, the first and most important Italian association to promote gender balance and a more inclusive culture for the growth of businesses and the country.

Among the services that Valore D offers to companies, in addition to events and webinars to raise awareness on D&I issues there is also the Inclusion Impact Index. The Inclusion Impact Index is a tool developed by Valore D with the support of the Politecnico di Milano that allows having a comprehensive mapping of diversity and inclusion policies within a company. In fact, there is an algorithm developed by the university which gives a score as an output.

The result summarizes in a clear and simple way the progress of a company is in terms of diversity and inclusion, based on GRI indicators, which are international ESG and sustainability standards. In other words, this tool provides a benchmark of the Italian industries with respect to four macro-areas, which are governance and the ability to attract, develop and retain talent from a D&I perspective.

For the fiscal year 2020 Inclusion Impact Index is 73.7/100, a number that we are proud of, especially considering the following additional points:

We are getting better: the Index obtained this year has grown 18% in the last year, when it was 62.7/100.
We are contributing to close the gender gap by doing better than the average: our result is significantly higher than the national average of 61/100. Then, comparing RGI to other companies operating in the same industries, we obtained a significantly better result than the IT sector average of 53/100 and the insurance/banking sector average of 63.2/100.
We make women grow up to executive levels: considering the Governance index, which shows the ability to encourage the career progression of women within the company, our result is 60/100 – and is way higher than the national average score of 40.8/100.
We communicate our values – we obtained a result of 69.4/100 for Attractiveness (vs. the national average score of 60.3/100) which is the company’s ability to attract female talent and transmit its values and programmes in relation to D&I issues.
We support women talents during the whole professional lifecycle – we obtained a result of 74.7/100 (vs. the national average score of 61.7/100) for Retainment, which is the company’s ability to enhance female talent throughout a woman’s professional life and 76.2/100 (vs. the national average score of 67.4/100) for Development, meaning the company’s ability to make the most of the female talent already present within it.

So, this index is much more than a way to measure our commitment and monitor our progress until now – it is a true starting point, thanks to which we can set new goals to further improve our positioning in the future.

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