One year of SMART Learning

  • 03/06/2021  |

One year ago the adventure of our company began: RGI, software vendor leader in Europe in the digital transformation of Insurer, faced a new way of working from home.

After the initial confusion, we can say that we were good at driving the change because we were ready: in 2019 we already had introduced the Smart Working mode for the entire workforce. The real challenge was to get used to a completely new way of working, with remote relationships only.

One of the most important tools we activated from the first moments was a listening channel, organized through pulse surveys and individual quick meetings. Thanks to everyone’s suggestions, we set up and made available useful tools to support all the colleagues in the new way of working.

As the weeks went by, we realized that it was a priority to pay attention to the psychological dimension, that has been a very sensitive topic especially during the first lockdown, and that’s why we relied on a 24/7 psychological service.

We introduced new collaborative IT tools that have improved the professional relationships among us.

Also, our trainings did not stop: by digitizing our assets and by adopting the best e-learning platforms, we have ensured the continuity of learning.

An important aspect of the period was also to support colleagues in be updated with the upcoming regulations on restrictions, which we managed with a simple and continuous communication activity.

Then we missed those moments of informal life that often arise in front of the coffee machine or among the offices and we thought to internal events with a format to foster socialization.

So, at the end of last spring, we involved colleagues in some leisure initiatives that would bring everyone (including families) to engage in a playful and remote way with colleagues, so we challenged ourselves in some “home made” contests, such as the RGI Chef Kids & Adults or the Origami class with our children. The participation of colleagues from all over the Group warmed up the atmosphere and made us stronger as a team when we needed most in that global-scale challenging time.

Now, we are looking forward to design a new way of working that will not be the current remote one, nor the pre-pandemic one. It will be a hybrid smart working, with some interesting innovations that will allow us to better balance our personal and work life.

This article is included, among other 60 testimonials, in the Italian eBook “Da smart a blended working – Come sarà il futuro del lavoro” written by the association Valore D with the contribution of Osservatorio Smart Working – Politecnico di Milano, and edited by HarperCollins. The eBook is available for free download over all the online e-book stores: Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo.

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